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Past Events from July 25, 2020 – January 11, 2020 – Page 3 – Time on Ten Productions Past Events from July 25, 2020 – January 11, 2020 – Page 3 – Time on Ten Productions

2 Man Ranch Sorting Practice

Bernalillo County Sheriff's Posse Arena 10308 2nd St NW, Albuquerque, NM


2 Man Ranch Sorting Event

Bernalillo County Sheriff's Posse Arena 10308 2nd St NW, Albuquerque, NM

EVENT REGISTRATION OPEN, BEGINNING RANCH HAND* & AM/NOV CLASSES - ROUND ROBIN FORMAT FOR OPEN AND AM/NOV Round Robin Pre-entry fee $150.00 per person PAY BACK AT EACH SHOW (50%) FOR ALL CLASSES  - PRIZES AWARDED AT THE END OF THE SEASON (Riders Must Participate in a minimum of 4 shows to be eligible for year-end prizes) *Beginning Ranch Hand class- the Sorter must be designated and be rated a 2 or under. The Gate person must be rated a 3 or above. The Gate person is not allowed to enter the herd other than to turn back cattle, or … Continued

3 Man Ranch Sorting Practice

Bernalillo County Sheriff's Posse Arena 10308 2nd St NW, Albuquerque, NM


3 Man Ranch Sorting Event

Bernalillo County Sheriff's Posse Arena 10308 2nd St NW, Albuquerque, NM

EVENT REGISTRATION OPEN, BEGINNING RANCH HAND* & AM/NOV CLASSES - ROUND ROBIN FORMAT FOR OPEN AND AM/NOV Round Robin Pre-entry fee $150.00 per person PAY BACK AT EACH SHOW (50%) FOR ALL CLASSES  - PRIZES AWARDED AT THE END OF THE SEASON (Riders Must Participate in a minimum of 4 shows to be eligible for year-end prizes) *Beginning Ranch Hand class- the Sorter must be designated and be rated a 2 or under. The Gate person must be rated a 3 or above. The Gate person is not allowed to enter the herd other than to turn back cattle, or … Continued

2 Man Ranch Sorting Practice

Bernalillo County Sheriff's Posse Arena 10308 2nd St NW, Albuquerque, NM


2 Man Ranch Sorting Event

Bernalillo County Sheriff's Posse Arena 10308 2nd St NW, Albuquerque, NM

EVENT REGISTRATION OPEN, BEGINNING RANCH HAND* & AM/NOV CLASSES - ROUND ROBIN FORMAT FOR OPEN AND AM/NOV Round Robin Pre-entry fee $150.00 per person PAY BACK AT EACH SHOW (50%) FOR ALL CLASSES  - PRIZES AWARDED AT THE END OF THE SEASON (Riders Must Participate in a minimum of 4 shows to be eligible for year-end prizes) *Beginning Ranch Hand class- the Sorter must be designated and be rated a 2 or under. The Gate person must be rated a 3 or above. The Gate person is not allowed to enter the herd other than to turn back cattle, or … Continued

3 Man Ranch Sorting Practice

Bernalillo County Sheriff's Posse Arena 10308 2nd St NW, Albuquerque, NM


3 Man Ranch Sorting Event

Bernalillo County Sheriff's Posse Arena 10308 2nd St NW, Albuquerque, NM

EVENT REGISTRATION OPEN, BEGINNING RANCH HAND* & AM/NOV CLASSES - ROUND ROBIN FORMAT FOR OPEN AND AM/NOV Round Robin Pre-entry fee $150.00 per person PAY BACK AT EACH SHOW (50%) FOR ALL CLASSES  - PRIZES AWARDED AT THE END OF THE SEASON (Riders Must Participate in a minimum of 4 shows to be eligible for year-end prizes) *Beginning Ranch Hand class- the Sorter must be designated and be rated a 2 or under. The Gate person must be rated a 3 or above. The Gate person is not allowed to enter the herd other than to turn back cattle, or … Continued

2 Man Ranch Sorting Practice

Bernalillo County Sheriff's Posse Arena 10308 2nd St NW, Albuquerque, NM


2 Man Ranch Sorting Event

Bernalillo County Sheriff's Posse Arena 10308 2nd St NW, Albuquerque, NM

EVENT REGISTRATION OPEN, BEGINNING RANCH HAND* & AM/NOV CLASSES – ROUND ROBIN FORMAT FOR OPEN AND AM/NOV Round Robin Pre-entry fee $150.00 per person PAY BACK AT EACH SHOW (50%) FOR ALL CLASSES  – PRIZES AWARDED AT THE END OF THE SEASON (Riders Must Participate in a minimum of 4 shows to be eligible for year-end prizes) *Beginning Ranch Hand class- the Sorter must be designated and be rated a 2 or under. The Gate person must be rated a 3 or above. The Gate person is not allowed to enter the herd other than to turn back cattle, or … Continued