Show Rules

Rules are based on RSNC rules but have been modified to accommodate Time on Ten Production events.
- At the start of a Ranch Sorting run there are ten numbered cattle, 0-9, and one unnumbered (called a trash cow) for a total of 11 head, behind a foul line in an arena or round pens with two or three people mounted on the other side of the foul line.
- Ranch Sorting may be either 2-man or 3-man, at Event Producer’s option.
- Ranch Sorting will take place between two pens of approximately equal size with the Event Producer’s option of working cattle back and forth or only one way.
- If cattle are to be worked back and forth then they need to be moved to the opposite pen and back before each new herd entering the arena is worked.
- All cattle will have back numbers adhered to the withers area.
- 2 Rider Sorting pens to be 60′ in diameter with no 90 degree corners.
- The start foul line will be a 12′ opening between the two pens
- 3 Rider/2 Gate Sorting pens will be a maximum of 60’ by 120’ with 12’ gate openings.
- There will be a 90, 75, or 60 second clock for each class, at the option of the Event Producer.
- All shows will use an electronic display clock.
- Time will continue until all cattle are sorted or the time limit is reached.
- All cattle will be bunched on the cattle side of the gate within the designated area before the time begins for next team. Judges will designate the need to bunch cattle.
- The judge will raise the flag to signal when the arena is ready. The announcer will announce “Flag’s Up”. The flag will drop when the nose of the first horse crosses the start/foul line and the announcer will immediately provide the number to be sorted first. Any delay in crossing the foul line may result in a “no-time” for the team.
- The cows are sorted in numerical order; if any part of a numbered cow or a trash cow crosses the start/foul line prior to its correct order, then the team receives a no time. If any part of a sorted cow re-crosses the start/foul line the team will be disqualified.
- The order of sorting is determined by the picking of a random number by the Announcer/Timer and then that cow must sorted first; for instance if 5, is drawn as the first number, then the 6 cow must be sorted, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1 and so on.
- A cow is considered sorted when the entire cow is completely across the start/foul line. A cow that is not completely across the line when the time is up will not be counted. There must be daylight between the tail of the last numbered cow and the nose of the unnumbered (trash) cow or a no-time/out of sort will be given.
- All riders in the Round Robin classes will be guaranteed a minimum of 7 rides. When the registration goes above 15 riders, the class will be split with both groups running simultaneously. The top 3 riders from each group will move on to the short go.
- All short go participants will have their cow count and total times reset to 0, and a new Round Robin format will begin.
- In the Beginning Ranch Hand class, each rider will be allowed a maximum of 5 rides and must have a different partner for each team. The gate rider will be rated a 3 or higher. The sorter will be rated a 1 or 2. The gate rider can only ride defensively and is NOT allowed in the herd. The BRH class can be a combination of pick and/or draw teams. Picked teams must be designated when registering for the class.
- Teams sorting in three goes, place higher than teams sorting in two goes; teams sorting in two goes place higher than teams sorting in one go, no matter how many cattle were sorted or time accrued.
- In the event of a tie, each rider will be brought back and assigned a randomly chosen partner from that class.